Dal 27 luglio al 5 agosto 2018 un campo per l’ambientalismo nella Val Codera, immersa tra le Alpi Retiche e scolpita nel granito: un presidio naturale, selvaggio e incontaminato nonostante i danni dovuti al cambiamento climatico e al passato industriale di Novate Mezzola, che ha causato danni ambientali non ancora sanati ai piedi della vallata.

L’associazione “Amici della Val Codera onlus”, la cui sede è raggiungibile solo a piedi in due ore da Novate Mezzola, è impegnata da 35 anni a promuovere un approccio alla valle ecologico e sostenibile, all’insegna dell’ambientalismo; attraverso il recupero e la pratica di antichi metodi agricoli, essa protegge e vivifica l’ambiente e il patrimonio culturale della valle, nel rispetto delle tradizioni e promuovendo un turismo eco-sostenibile rispettoso della montagna e delle sue bellezze.

I/le volontari/e del campo si impegneranno a ripulire e sistemare coltivi abbandonati, incrementando la coltura di patate, fagioli e ortive, a recuperare terreni abbandonati, eliminando le piante infestanti, a manutenere la viabilità pedonale e molto altro, sotto la guida dell’associazione.

La parte di studio sarà incentrata sulla storia delle popolazioni che abitano la catena alpina e sulle ragioni che hanno portato al suo spopolamento, causando la perdita dell’identità culturale, tradizionale e storica della vallata. Ai/alle volontari/e è richiesto di portare degli esempi di sviluppo sostenibile dei loro paesi, sia in contesto urbano che naturale, per scambiarsi esperienze e soluzioni legate al cambiamento climatico e alle “resistenze ambientali” che mirano a far accrescere la consapevolezza tra le persone.

La lingua del campo è l’inglese, quella locale l’italiano.









Preserve the beauty of natural environment

of Val Codera, Alps

Camp code: IT-SCI 10.1

Paese: Italy

Data di inizio: 27 Lug 2018

Data fine: 05 Ago 2018

Tematica: 10: Protezione dell'ambiente

Tipologia di attività: Agricoltura / Ambiente / Manuale

Numero di volontari: 8

Number of places still available: 5

Posti disponibili, ultimo aggiornamento: 02 Mar 2018

Età internazionale: 18 - 99

Età nazionale 16 - 99

Costi supplementari: 0.00

Lingue richieste Inglese

Lingua opzionale Inglese, Italiano

Motivation letter: Questo campo richiede una lettera di motivazione addizionale per spiegare più dettagliatamente perché vuoi partecipare.


Descrizione: Val Codera lies among the Retiche Alps, it's shaped by granite stones and is still a wild, natural and unspoilt area despite climate changes and the industrial development of Novate Mezzola town have caused a general soil and rocks erosion at the end of the valley. The association “Amici della Val Codera onlus” is settled in the little village of Codera, that can be reached only by foot with a 2 hours walk from Novate Mezzola. It's been working for 35 years to promote the valley in an eco-friendly way. It protects and enhances the valley environmental and cultural heritage (Codera is a rare example of alpine civilization), through the rediscovering of traditional agricultural activities, in order to respect local inhabitants and to promote an eco-friendly tourism respectful of the mountains beauty and cultural values.

Tipologia di lavoro: During the workcamp volunteers will work for 6-7 hours per day and they'll be involved in the following activities: restoration and cleaning of abandoned fields; growing potatoes, beans and other typical plants of the area; renovation of wild and abandoned fields through digging; renovation of scaffholding little drywalls; forest cleaning from wild plants; wood collecting; ancient local footpaths cleaning and restoration. Activities will be run in Codera's surroundings.

Parte di studio: Focus on remoted areas of Italian alpine mountain where depopulation caused loss of identity, traditional and cultural habits loss, natural environment ruin. Highlight on projects that aim at keeping alive the original and ancient cultural and traditional mountain values and rediscovering the historic activities of the valley. Volunteers must bring pictures and documents about ecosustainable development of their own urban or natural environment to exchange experiences and solutions related to climate change and “environmental resistances”, and to promote environmental awareness among local people.

Alloggio: Rifugio Osteria Alpina has bathrooms with hot water and dorms with bunk beds. Mattresses, pillows and blankets will be provided but volunteers must bring their own sheet bags. There are no shops and facilities in Codera village, which is situated about 2 hours walking from Novate Mezzola. Volunteers of the workcamp will cook together with the local volunteers dinners and take-away lunches.

Requisiti: Strong motivation to work in a wild area and to interact with the locals; simple manual skills in using agricultural tools; good physical condition. Volunteers will live far from modern life facilities and the noises and contradictions of contemporary cities and consumerist society. They must share the goal of preserving a challenging but also fascinating and stunning natural reality such as Val Codera.

Ubicazione: The workcamp will be held in Codera, a little village 2 hours walking from Novate Mezzola municipality that is part of Sondrio province, in Lombardy (North of Italy). The most important cities nearby are Milano (2 hours by train from Novate Mezzola), Lecco (1 hour by train), Sondrio (about 1 hour and half by train) and Como reachable by bus from Colico in about 2 hours. Light baggage is suggested.

Note: Codera is accessible only through a stairs footpath and it's about two hours walking from Novate Mezzola and the nearest car road. There are no shops in the village . It is possible to buy beverages, local cheese and other kind of food at Osteria Alpina in the center of the village. Volunteers with special food needs (celiac, vegan or vegeterian) are kindly required to specify it in the application form. Internet connection and mobile phones might not work well due to localization of the shelter.